The Importance of Signal Surge Protectors

Signal surge protector is a type of surge protector, which refers to a lightning protection device connected in series on the signal line to limit transient overvoltage and discharge surge current in the signal line. In the modern society where microelectronic devices are widely used, signal surge protectors are particularly important for the lightning protection safety of electronic systems. The necessity of signal surge protectors will be explained in detail today. 1. Nonlinear components of signal surge protector The two important functions of the signal surge protector to release the lightning current and limit the surge voltage are completed by the nonlinear components in the signal surge protector. The nonlinear elements in the signal surge protector are nonlinear resistors and switching elements. Usually refers to a varistor. It works on the principle that the nonlinear resistor is connected between the line and ground, usually considered a short circuit. When overvoltage occurs in the electronic system, put the transient overcurrent beyond the system can withstand into the ground, reduce the overvoltage of the line or equipment, and ensure the safety of the signal line and equipment. Network two-in-one surge protector 2. Classification of signal surge protectors According to different types of protection lines, signal surge protectors can be divided into network signal surge protectors, monitoring signal surge protectors, control signal surge protectors, video signal surge protectors, telephone signal surge protectors, Explosion-proof signal surge protector, etc. Each type has a variety of models, parameters and different appearances. Video two-in-one surge protector three, the role of signal surge protector The signal surge protector mainly maintains the lightning protection safety of various signal lines and equipment. Its main functions are: First, the transient overvoltage caused by lightning induced in the signal line is limited. According to statistics, more than 80% of lightning strikes in electronic systems are caused by induction lightning. Therefore, in modern society, the wide application of microelectronic equipment should strengthen the protection of the electronic system induced lightning, and install appropriate signal surge protector. Video 3 in 1 surge protector The second is to limit the surge caused by the start and stop of the electronic system. In addition to the surge caused by lightning induction, the most important reason for the surge in the signal line is the start and stop of electronic products. Such surges are also common. Installing a suitable signal surge protector on the line can effectively suppress the surge caused by the operation of the electronic system, effectively reduce the changes and failures of electronic sensitive devices, ensure the stability of the signal line, and improve the service life of electronic products.

Post time: Jul-30-2022